Scaling Applications with Microservices and NServiceBus
18 November 2015
Micoroservices is a software architecture style,in which complex applications are composed of small, autonomous processs communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs.
Properites of Microservices
- Maintainable
- Versioning
- Each their own
- Hosting
- Failure isolation
- UI
- Discovery
- Security
- Deployment
- An implementation of a service bus.
- Written for .NET services.
- Non- .NET services can use other bus implementatations compatible with the same messaging system.
- Example:Biztalk
- Don’t confuse with our service bus
- Logic in bus
Micorservices = dumb pipes
- Monoliths are great but become unmaintainable when they get more complex
- SOA with RPC and REST has some distinctive downsides
- Microservices solve these downsides but beware of the complexity
- The service bus facilitates the communication between services through a messaging backend

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